Mike Levitsky, FastSigns - Delaware - Open for Opportunity

Mike Levitsky has been a franchise owner for over 30 years. He opened up his FastSigns location in Wilmington, Delaware in 1989. The work environment Mike has cultivated is one that makes it feel like a family, rather than a corporate business. Mike has 8 employees working for him including Chris Staunton. Chris, a graphic designer, has worked for Mike at FastSigns since 1999. Before unlocking his creative potential at FastSigns, Chris worked at a bank and felt unfulfilled. He started at FastSigns and loved the creative outlet it provided him.

For Mike, franchising with FastSigns just made sense when considering what type of business to launch. There was a lack of sign services in Wilmington and Mike loved the support and guidance FastSigns headquarters provides. FastSigns provides annual training to all of his employees and helps them stay up to date with the latest computer software needed to provide the best service to Mikes customers.

Everyday presents a new opportunity for Mike and his employees to serve his community in Wilmington, Delaware. “The love of the business has stayed the same in the last 15 years, I love coming into work everyday.”

Beyond the business side, owning a FastSigns franchise has presented Mike with the opportunity to give back. Mike partners with the University of Delaware for educational programming and works with the charity Miles for Melanoma to bring awareness to skin cancer survivors and patients. Mike and his employees also offer free signage and services to important institutions in his community like the local hospital and the police.

