Jeff Mulkey, a former Navy Pilot and Epsilon executive, is a franchise owner of Chick-fil-A in Irving, Texas. After his time as an Epsilon executive, Jeff took on the challenge of franchising in 2014, drawn to the sense of control it offered. For him, it was more than just running a business—it was a way to shape his own future.
What sets Jeff apart is his commitment to helping others, particularly veterans. Throughout his time as a franchise owner, he’s encouraged many of his employees to consider military careers, seeing it as a natural extension of his own background. He believes that franchising provides a unique balance, allowing business owners to run things their way while also offering room for personal growth. Through hiring and mentoring, Jeff has built pathways for veterans, providing them with opportunities to find their own success, just as he has in his own career.
Jeff Mulkey is Open for Opportunity.